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Summer Reading Project, BookLikes Satellite

Never stop reading. (Content originally posted at Blogger.)

A Possible Life, by Sebastian Faulks

A Possible Life: A Novel in Five Love Stories - Sebastian Faulks

Novels like The Years of Rice and Salt and The Incarnations use an idea that I think is relatively new in the world of fiction. In those novels, souls (or whatever you care to call them) are constantly reborn to learn something or perfect themselves. The souls are often accompanied by other souls down through the centuries. When I read the description of A Possible Life: A Novel in Five Parts, by Sebastian Faulks, I was expecting something similar. That’s not what I got, exactly. There are hints that the five narrators are connected (sometimes they share memories), this is not a novel about reincarnation. I’m still not sure what this book is about...


Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type.