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Summer Reading Project, BookLikes Satellite

Never stop reading. (Content originally posted at Blogger.)

Otto von Trapezoid and the Empress of Thieves, by Jesse Baruffi

Otto Von Trapezoid and the Empress of Thieves - Jesse Baruffi

After the emotional pummeling I took from Atticus Lish’s Preparation for the Next Life, I needed something light and funny. Otto von Trapezoid and the Empress of Thieves, by Jesse Baruffi, was just what the bibliotherapist would have ordered. This supervillain romance has: sentient and not-so-sentient robots, an indestructible super spy, poison, airships, family snark, thefts of entire museums, and much, much more! And, unlike most superhero/villain satires, the one has emotional depth enough to keep the whole lot from collapsing under its own silly weight...


Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this ebook from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.