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Summer Reading Project, BookLikes Satellite

Never stop reading. (Content originally posted at Blogger.)

The Sunlight Pilgrims, by Jenni Fagan

The Sunlight Pilgrims: A Novel - Jenni Fagan

Jenni Fagan’s The Sunlight Pilgrims has, in all of the reviews I’ve seen so far, been billed as the latest climate fiction must-read. According to the reviews, the world as we know it is coming to an end as a new Ice Age arrives. We watch the weather get colder and colder through the eyes of a man, a woman, and the woman’s daughter. I expected characters that would be busy with worries about the future. How would they grow food? How would they stay warm? But the climate, while a constant concern, is not what occupies the characters’ minds. Instead of a book about apocalyptic winter, Fagan gave me a moving story of a transgender teenager in the midst of her transition and a young man struggling with grief over the loss of his mother and grandmother. The Sunlight Pilgrims is a bait and switch, but I don’t mind a bit...


Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for review consideration.